An individual’s financial plan is the piece that holds all of the other financial topics together. When building a home, you wouldn’t get started until you had the home’s blue-prints established. The same goes when piecing together your financial future. The blue-print related to your finances is your personal financial plan. Your plan should explain pertinent details of your financial goals and strategies. As life goes on and your dreams and goals change, so should your financial plan.

Financial Planning Process
- – Establishing and defining the client-planner relationship
- – Gathering client data including goals
- – Developing and presenting recommendations and/or alternatives
- – Implementing the recommendations
- – Monitoring the progress
Financial Planning Services
- Collection and analysis of financial data
- Retirement planning
- Social Security maximizer
- College education planning (if applicable)
- Asset allocation & risk tolerance review
- Estate & charitable planning
- Risk management & insurance needs

- Optional asset management services
- Integrating corporate sponsored compensation & benefit plans into your financial plan
- Working with other professionals (ex. CPA or Estate Attorney) to align your financial goals
- Preparation of a financial plan document and/or collateral materials for the financial planning items indicated above twice per year
- Access to our client portal – view all of your accounts, liabilities, credit cards, spending/budget, etc. in one place!
- Advising with Integrity and Trust. Your Interest is our Only Interest!